PHP Debugging session failed to start with the message: "connection to the client address <address> is not allowed"
This is the set of instructions to troubleshoot and fix the communications between dbg - php debugger and PhpED - PHP IDE.
Why am I seeing this message?
You may see this message if either IP address of your PhpED machine or port is not listed in debugger.hosts_allow and
debugger.ports settings of php.ini
What can I do to fix this issue?
If you don't use SSH tunneling for debugging, you can:
Use dbg-wizard helper script to find out the path to php.ini file,
address of your PhpED machine and get the set of the instructions to setup
php debugger. Alternatively you can execute phpinfo() on the dbg server
Then open Tools->Settings->Run & Debug->Settings and check debugger port.
Then open php.ini file and update address and ports with found values of the address and debugger port. Result may
look like below:
After php.ini is updated, you have to restart your web service
NOTE If you are using SSH tunnel to debug, the address in most cases is or ::1
Follow the instructions on this page
I think I fixed it. How do I make sure that it is working?
You can try to start the debugging session again. If the problem persist please check the error message you are
getting. Chances are it is a different message - it is likely that you need to check the commnunications between
debugger on the server and PhpED. This set of instructions is available here