array('UTF-8', 'en'), 'content' => array('index.html', 'Contents'), 'home' => array('index.html', 'Core JavaScript Reference'), 'this' => array('java.html', 'java'), 'prev' => array('function.html', 'Function'), 'next' => array('javarray.html', 'JavaArray'), 'toc' => array( array('preface.html', 'About this Book', 0), /* array('preface.html#1003152', 'New Features in this Release', 1), array('preface.html#1005135', 'What You Should Already Know', 1), array('preface.html#1003515', 'JavaScript Versions', 1), array('preface.html#1001692', 'Where to Find JavaScript Information', 1), array('preface.html#1001745', 'Document Conventions', 1), */ array('partobj.html', 'Part 1', 0), array('objintro.html', 'Chapter 1. Objects, Methods, and Properties', 0), array('array.html', 'Array', 1), array('boolean.html', 'Boolean', 1), array('date.html', 'Date', 1), array('function.html', 'Function', 1), array('java.html', 'java', 1), array('javarray.html', 'JavaArray', 1), array('javclass.html', 'JavaClass', 1), array('javobj.html', 'JavaObject', 1), array('javpkg.html', 'JavaPackage', 1), array('math.html', 'Math', 1), array('netscape.html', 'netscape', 1), array('number.html', 'Number', 1), array('object.html', 'Object', 1), array('packages.html', 'Packages', 1), array('regexp.html', 'RegExp', 1), array('string.html', 'String', 1), array('sun.html', 'sun', 1), array('toplev.html', 'Chapter 2. Top-Level Properties and Functions', 0), /* array('toplev.html#1120957', 'decodeURI', 1), array('toplev.html#1119005', 'decodeURIComponent', 1), array('toplev.html#1118346', 'encodeURI', 1), array('toplev.html#1115986', 'encodeURIComponent', 1), array('toplev.html#1063795', 'eval', 1), array('toplev.html#1063963', 'Infinity', 1), array('toplev.html#1063988', 'isFinite', 1), array('toplev.html#1064024', 'isNaN', 1), array('toplev.html#1064064', 'NaN', 1), array('toplev.html#1064092', 'Number', 1), array('toplev.html#1064132', 'parseFloat', 1), array('toplev.html#1064173', 'parseInt', 1), array('toplev.html#1064506', 'String', 1), array('toplev.html#1094680', 'undefined', 1), */ array('partlang.html', 'Part 2', 0), array('stmt.html', 'Chapter 3. Statements', 0), /* array('stmt.html#1081298', 'break', 1), array('stmt.html#1077887', 'const', 1), array('stmt.html#1078923', 'continue', 1), array('stmt.html#1037353', 'do...while', 1), array('stmt.html#1016648', 'export', 1), array('stmt.html#1004804', 'for', 1), array('stmt.html#1004815', '', 1), array('stmt.html#1004825', 'function', 1), array('stmt.html#1004833', 'if...else', 1), array('stmt.html#1082618', 'import', 1), array('stmt.html#1018088', 'label', 1), array('stmt.html#1004871', 'return', 1), array('stmt.html#1018610', 'switch', 1), array('stmt.html#1052196', 'throw', 1), array('stmt.html#1051663', 'try...catch', 1), array('stmt.html#1066604', 'var', 1), array('stmt.html#1004896', 'while', 1), array('stmt.html#1004910', 'with', 1), */ array('comment.html', 'Chapter 4. Comments', 0), /* array('comment.html#1066617', 'comment', 1), */ array('ops.html', 'Chapter 5. Operators', 0), /* array('ops.html#1042274', 'Assignment Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1060974', 'Comparison Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1050908', 'Using the Equality Operators', 2), array('ops.html#1042400', 'Arithmetic Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1042403', '% (Modulus)', 2), array('ops.html#1042412', '++ (Increment)', 2), array('ops.html#1042421', '-- (Decrement)', 2), array('ops.html#1042430', '- (Unary Negation)', 2), array('ops.html#1042437', 'Bitwise Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1042500', 'Bitwise Logical Operators', 2), array('ops.html#1042512', 'Bitwise Shift Operators', 2), array('ops.html#1044813', 'Logical Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1042582', 'String Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1042588', 'Special Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1045406', '?: (Conditional operator)', 2), array('ops.html#1045439', ', (Comma operator)', 2), array('ops.html#1045837', 'delete', 2), array('ops.html#1066344', 'function', 2), array('ops.html#1066286', 'in', 2), array('ops.html#1055015', 'instanceof', 2), array('ops.html#1055898', 'new', 2), array('ops.html#1043482', 'this', 2), array('ops.html#1042603', 'typeof', 2), array('ops.html#1042625', 'void', 2), */ array('partjava.html', 'Part 3. LiveConn', 0), array('classint.html', 'Chapter 6. Java Classes, Constructors, and Methods', 0), /* array('lcjsexc.html#1193143', 'JSException', 1), array('lcjsobj.html#1193143', 'JSObject', 1), */ array('partapp.html', 'Part 4', 0), array('keywords.html', 'Appendix A. Reserved Words', 0), array('deprecat.html', 'Appendix B. Deprecated Features', 0), array('ix.html#573', 'Index', 0) ))); manual_header(); ?>


A top-level object used to access any Java class in the package java.*.

Core object  


Implemented in  

JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0  

Created by
The java object is a top-level, predefined JavaScript object. You can automatically access it without using a constructor or calling a method.

The java object is a convenience synonym for the property

See also